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September 29, 2023

How Alforno Bakery & Café Embraced a Digital Workflow with the Support of Fresh KDS

With a new POS system and digital screens, Alforno Bakery & Café revolutionized its operations, improving efficiency and eliminating the risks associated with paper tickets. Here’s how one popular Calgary bakery transformed its paper-based workflow with the support of Fresh KDS and Lightspeed K-Series.


Service Type



Calgary, Alberta Canada

POS Used

Lightspeed (K-Series)
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About Alforno Bakery & Café

True to its name, Alforno Bakery & Café offers a diverse selection of pastries, bread, and artisan pizza made fresh in-house and baked to perfection. A proud member of the esteemed Teatro Group’s restaurant family, Alforno provides top-notch dine-in and takeaway options that perfectly complement the lively culinary landscape of downtown Calgary.
Located in the heart of Eau Claire, next to the picturesque Bow River, General Manager Jenn Wastle knows the importance of keeping up with the constant demand and steady foot traffic. With a commitment to excellence, her team meticulously prepares and serves exceptional treats to their valued guests. The only factor hindering their seamless operations was the use of paper tickets. “It was very easy for one [ticket] to go missing,” says Jenn.

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Going Beyond Paper

The conventional method of using paper tickets presented numerous obstacles for the popular bakery. Misplacing tickets led to the need for remaking items and the risk of overselling limited quantity sandwiches. The printers frequently malfunctioned or ran out of ink, causing disruptions during peak operational periods. Additionally, the accumulation of paper tickets throughout the kitchen was an ongoing issue that required attention. Recognizing the need for a change, Alforno Bakery & Café began considering the necessary steps to enhance their system.
To tackle multiple challenges simultaneously, the bakery made the bold decision to implement both a new POS system (Lightspeed K-Series) and Fresh KDS. Although introducing two new tech products at the same time seemed daunting at first, the intuitive set up of Lightspeed and Fresh KDS made it easy for the staff to get up to speed.

Revolutionizing Operations 

To maximize production efficiency Alforno set up six KDS screens - three in the kitchen, two at the bar and coffee station, and one for the “turbo” sandwich station. At the kitchen expo, Alforno utilizes the “bump to print” feature so the food runners can work off paper tickets, which Jenn says “works very well for us.”

Jenn further emphasized that using Fresh KDS with Lightspeed is a cleaner and less messy alternative than traditional paper tickets. The digital screens give the team a clear view of incoming orders and make it easy to maintain organization. One notable benefit is the ability to visually see the timestamp of ticket times, which has greatly aided her crew. Additionally, Jenn notes that the noise notifications and recall feature of the KDS have proven invaluable tools for smoother operations.

“I do really like the fact that it is timed, so you can see how long the order is in and how long it's been waiting – whether that’s 10 minutes, 5 minutes, or even 20 minutes.”
Jenn Wastle | General Manager

Embracing Change with Reliable Support

In the ever-evolving restaurant and food service industry, change is unavoidable, and with it, occasional hiccups may arise. General Manager Jenn Wastle recognized the help of the Fresh KDS Chat Support in facilitating the seamless transition to a digital system.

“I want to give a shout-out to your Chat Support Team – they are very, very good, and I am quite impressed. I do find it’s within 3-5 minutes that I get a response.”
Jenn Wastle | General Manager

She acknowledged their willingness to assist and their commitment to staying available until a resolution is reached, even in the event of any questions or issues. This level of dedicated support and care from the Fresh KDS team is highly valued by a busy bakery like Alforno and other restaurants that may be looking to make the switch.

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